This firm strongly believes in and advocates alternative dispute resolution processes in family law matters.
With special and continuing education in Collaborative Practice and Facilitative Mediation, clients are offered these optional methods to resolve conflict and avoid court.
Through the use and application of advanced, extensive research and practice of resolving conflicts on the personal, corporate, and international level this firm offers clients the opportunity to reduce animosity, eliminate unnecessary legal fees and curtail useless court appearances, while providing clients with valuable tools for learning to communicate, problem solve, and co-parent their children into the future.
This firm has an association with collateral collaboratively trained professionals providing assistance to clients with an interdisciplinary team approach to assist with not only legal issues arising in family matters, but also with the financial and psychological aspects of divorce and afterward. This attention provides a client with a much better and more comprehensive outcome because the "right" professional is handling one of the three main aspects of divorce: Emotional, financial and legal.
This support is especially critical when children are involved. The resolutions come about in an amicable fashion causing far less destruction to the family and children. Families will have the opportunity to restructure and co-parent, learning communication and negotiation skills as they go forward. The financial and emotional expense of harsh litigation should always be a last resort. Litigated divorces often negatively impact future family life; each time an issue arises it is more likely to require a return to third party decision-makers, i.e., the courts: Judges, arbitrators, or friend of the courts personnel. In keeping with the firm principle: "The Option You Choose Today Will Shape the Success of Your Family Tomorrow," the experience and specialized concentration in Collaborative Practice assists clients with making personal choices for resolving disputed presently and prospectively. Clients' own choices result in deeper resolution and mire durable settlements.